Standings Individuals Scoreboard Team Detail Individual Detail Stat Key

2004 Ann B. Davis Pop Culture Tournament #9--Biased Liberal Media: Individual Statistics

Player Team GP 15 10 -5 TUH P/TU P/N Pts PPG
Mike Davies Are You There Pitt? It's Me, Margaret 9.0 5 48 4 189 2.83 1.25 535 59.44
Dave Thorsley AquaScum 2K4 9.0 2 48 7 168 2.83 0.29 475 52.78
James Quintong Glen or Glenda Campbell 9.0 4 40 2 189 2.38 2.00 450 50.00
Jeremy White Glen or Glenda Campbell 9.0 10 19 2 189 1.75 5.00 330 36.67
Mike Adelman Ginger Rochester 9.0 2 33 12 189 1.59 0.17 300 33.33
Tyler Lieberman Hooked on Phonics...and Crack 9.0 2 29 5 189 1.56 0.40 295 32.78
Steve Traicoff Hooked on Phonics...and Crack 9.0 4 24 1 189 1.56 4.00 295 32.78
Mike Sinkoff Scary Rochester 9.0 2 24 5 189 1.30 0.40 245 27.22
Mike Plyley Off-Colour Remark #352: The One About Your School 9.0 2 23 4 189 1.27 0.50 240 26.67
Emily Moore AquaScum 2K4 9.0 3 21 4 168 1.40 0.75 235 26.11
Adam Bishop Off-Colour Remark #352: The One About Your School 7.0 1 18 3 147 1.22 0.33 180 25.71
Anne Mitchell Hooked on Phonics...and Crack 9.0 0 23 2 189 1.16 0.00 220 24.44
Micah Elsner Baby Rochester 9.0 2 20 2 189 1.16 1.00 220 24.44
Anthony Walters Northwestern B 9.0 5 18 11 189 1.06 0.45 200 22.22
Keith Hudson Glen or Glenda Campbell 9.0 3 17 5 189 1.01 0.60 190 21.11
Vishal Saxena Northwestern B 9.0 0 19 1 189 0.98 0.00 185 20.56
Fred Bush Ginger Rochester 9.0 2 17 4 189 0.95 0.50 180 20.00
Gail Celio AquaScum 2K4 9.0 2 15 0 168 1.07 inf 180 20.00
Adam Toews Off-Colour Remark #352: The One About Your School 7.0 0 15 2 147 0.95 0.00 140 20.00
Jason Schwengler Glen or Glenda Campbell 9.0 1 18 4 189 0.93 0.25 175 19.44
David Wallace Hooked on Phonics...and Crack 9.0 1 17 3 189 0.90 0.33 170 18.89
Brian Furniss Ginger Rochester 9.0 2 15 2 189 0.90 1.00 170 18.89
Jennifer Vanderbeek Iowa Thundering Heard 6.0 1 9 2 105 0.90 0.50 95 15.83
Julie Stahlhut AquaScum 2K4 9.0 1 13 1 168 0.83 1.00 140 15.56
Adam Schwible Are You There Pitt? It's Me, Margaret 9.0 0 15 4 189 0.69 0.00 130 14.44
Dan Blak Ginger Rochester 9.0 1 12 2 189 0.66 0.50 125 13.89
Jack Schermeyer Scary Rochester 9.0 0 12 1 189 0.61 0.00 115 12.78
Lucy Sun Iowa Thundering Heard 5.0 0 5 0 84 0.60 0.00 50 10.00
Kate Rigot Northwestern B 9.0 2 6 1 189 0.45 2.00 85 9.44
Sri Kalyanaraman Iowa Thundering Heard 7.0 0 7 2 126 0.48 0.00 60 8.57
Rich Nalichowski Are You There Pitt? It's Me, Margaret 9.0 2 6 5 189 0.34 0.40 65 7.22
Jonathan Altman Off-Colour Remark #352: The One About Your School 6.0 2 2 2 126 0.32 1.00 40 6.67
Amanda LaPage Baby Rochester 9.0 0 5 0 189 0.26 0.00 50 5.56
Mike Baker Are You There Pitt? It's Me, Margaret 9.0 0 5 1 189 0.24 0.00 45 5.00
Pete Burns Iowa Thundering Heard 6.0 0 3 0 105 0.29 0.00 30 5.00
Neil Biswas Northwestern B 9.0 0 4 1 189 0.19 0.00 35 3.89
Jonathan Widawsky Baby Rochester 9.0 0 4 1 189 0.19 0.00 35 3.89
Vincent Shiao Off-Colour Remark #352: The One About Your School 7.0 0 3 1 147 0.17 0.00 25 3.57
Brett Iowa Thundering Heard 5.0 0 2 1 105 0.14 0.00 15 3.00
Matt Bonyak Scary Rochester 9.0 0 3 2 189 0.11 0.00 20 2.22
Trucy Phung Iowa Thundering Heard 5.0 0 1 0 105 0.10 0.00 10 2.00