Michigan Academic Competitions (MAC) is proud to present The 2005 The Seventh Annual Montgomery Burns One-on-One Tournament for Outstanding Achievement in the Area of Popular Culture to be held on Saturday, 6 August 2005 on the Central Campus of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. This will be your best chance to show off how much you really, really know about trash.
The format will be either of the following:
I need to know by July 26 if you are going to participate as a player and which format you prefer. This way, I can tell people what they need to write and what the format will be.
This is a free tournament, meaning no fees. In fact, if you want to steal from a copy place, you really don't have to pay a cent. (Disclaimer: Michigan Academic Competitions (MAC) does not condone stealing or any other form of crime in any way and waives all liability in perpitutity for any illegal activities eminating from the above dare). Information on just what you should put into your packet may be found on the distribution page. Additionaly, feel free to bring exhibition packets for post-tournament friviolity. You can be assured The Game Show Round 3.2 will be there, although it will probably be played post-dinner, so that we can take it off campus, hopefully to my now carpet-fume free basement.
Participants -- 2 so far
Click here for all-time results that I haven't updated in awhile.
The Central Campus is located in the absoulte dead center of Ann Arbor. In fact, Michigan State's nuclear arsenal uses the corner of Washington and Tappan as ground zero. Directions on how to get to the Modern Languages Building on Central Campus may be found on the map page. If you haven't been here since 2003, there are two major differences. One, most of the streets around campus are now two-way. Second, there is a huge eight-story (as opposed to a tiny eight-story) condo building one block away from the MLB, featuring the world's slowest Buffalo Wild Wings.
Here are some hotels and motels within reasonable distance:
The Tournament Director
Mike Burger will be serving as the Cruise Director/Dictator/Überlord for the festivities. Any questions or concerns should be directed to him. He is reachable either at mmb5@earthlink.net or can be reached the more-archaic ways: 2332 Nixon, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, 734-913-1059. Note that Mike is not a college student (he just plays one on TV), and normally goes to bed around 10:30. It would not be a good idea to call after 10:00.Mike Burger is a veteran of the quiz bowl scene, launching his career with a buzz of "Jim Bakker" in a 1987 campus tournament at the University of Michigan. After leaving the scene in 1991, he came back in 1994 to help out with the University of Michigan Intramural tournament and they haven't been able to get rid of him since. Mike's team (Mike Keenan Employment Agency) was the winner of Trashinals in 1998, 2000 and 2003 and the regional for Trashinals in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. Mike also participated on teams that won Tidy-Whitey Bowl in 1997, The Ironhead Invitational in 2001, Cancel Bowl in 2001, Trashmasters in 2001, 2003 and 2004, Viva Trash Vegas in 2003 and Duck Bowl in 2003 and 2004.
Last Updated 24-Jun-2005